Imasan Machinery and Chemicals, established in 1997, has been operating for over 26 years in a wide geographical area including Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Iran, Iraq, and Syria.
Our company specializes in injection molding machines and testing laboratories in the footwear and automotive sectors. In addition to the solutions, we offer in the field of injection machines and molds, our extensive product range includes fire response, thermal insulation, furniture testing devices, climate chambers, solar simulation devices, footwear testing devices, and door-window testing systems.
Imasan Machinery continues to maintain its leadership in the industry with a commitment to providing the best service to its customers. The injection molding machines and testing laboratory products we offer are leading products of globally recognized manufacturers. Our company, while presenting these products to you, does not compromise on reliability and quality standards, providing customers with reliable and durable solutions.
Our mission is to bring the products of globally recognized manufacturers in the footwear and automotive sectors, combining injection molding machines and testing laboratories, prioritizing safety and quality. In the future, we will continue to add value to our customers and provide the highest level of support by using our industry expertise.
İmasan Makine ve Kimyevi Maddeler Sanayi Ticaret Ltd. Şti.